Chistes de Lenguaje: An old gentlemen from Mexico City visits the US fo...

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Chistes de Lenguaje - Chiste #780
An old gentlemen from Mexico City visits the US for the first time.
His luggage is lost by the airlines and he has to go to the department store
to purchase clothes to wear while the airlines searches for his luggage. Not
speaking English, he is at a distinct disadvantage. Nonetheless, he manages
to find almost everything he needs. However, he cannot find socks; so, he
approaches a nice young man behind the display counter in the men's section
and asks: "Quiero unos calcetines". The clerk, who doesn't speak a word of
Spanish, attempts to discover what the old man wants by showing him item
after item from his display case. First, he holds up a pair of underpants.
"No, calcetines." Then, he holds up an undershirt. "No, calcetines." One
by one, the clerk shows him items of clothing from the case. Finally, he
holds up a pair of argyle socks. The old man exclaims:
- "Eso si que es!"
Flabbergasted, the young clerk replies:
- "Well, if you knew how to spell it, why didn't you?"

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